Finally, I found the time to go through the hundreds of photos. With almost every photo being good, it certainly wasn't easy selecting my favourite photos. So, here are some I really liked - was a really tough choice.
Really love the way William captured the expressions of everyone. I think he was absolutely great!
My wedding day was really memorable. I did away with the usual gate crash but added a door crash instead. I didn't sabotage him. Instead, I wanted him to do meaningful things so I involved my family.
Wanted to do a dance for banquet but due to last minute gown issue, we did not dance. So, I made him do a "Nobody but you dance". I was crazy about that song's routine at that time. Then we made him convince my parents. My parents were really good sports. Dad even asked him to speak in Teochew - which really cracked up the whole family. Even granny got herself involved in the door crash. It was really fun. Then, we got him to write me a love poem. He did a really good job and the poem was really lovely. Completely touched me.
I think gate crash or door crash should not be sabotages. If brides and bridesmaids were to do something, they should really put their hearts into considering what are considered meaningful for the bride and bridegroom. Brides should also take control to avoid bridesmaids from going overboard. Ultimately, you just want him to express his "final" moments of sincerity before fetching you away from your family. So, make it meaningful and memorable. Involve your family - it will be even better. :)
Thanks William... And thanks to Precious Moments Bridal for the gowns. Thanks Marilyn for the make up. Thanks Steve for the video. Thanks Goodwood Park Hotel for the great wedding coordination and management. Thanks to the great team of people helping out the wedding. Love ya all! Lastly, really thank God for blessing us with such a wonderful and memorable wedding.
Sorry this came only months after wedding. :) Never too late yar?
I love shots like these - showing macro details of the gowns.
Nervously and excitedly waiting for Baby's arrival
Getting Jomond ready to open the door
Surprised with the door crash.
Granny and of course, the rest of the family enjoyed themselves. It was not sabotage at all but all the meaningful stuffs.
Love poem by Baby. Artwork by cousins.
On the way to my in-laws.
In the room, waiting for dumpling.
The bestest team in the world. Thanks everyone for the great help.
Resting between activities
My lovely cousins and future sister-in-law
Mum and dad showered us with gifts and love
They gave us couple watches
My very but close knitted big family - including my God Parents