We gathered at my grandmother's place to prepare for Joleen's wedding (20 May 2007) and everyone was basked in excitement.
I have the honour to be one of the bridesmaids. So, I am really anticipating (gosh.. need to diet...HA!).
It has been a while since my grandfather passed on that we have something joyous to celebrate! Of course, we celebrate in remembrance of him.
Joleen and I are close like sisters as well as best friends. We used to spend a large part of our childhood together singing, making clothes for our barbie dolls and so much more. Despite meeting up every week, we would send snail mails to each other. We often had stay overs and saw each other through significant changes in life.
I am really happy for her. Happy that she found a good husband and happy that she pursued her dream in music and is doing well.
Seeing the whole family in high-spirit and being happy for her is a good feeling.
This simple happiness is a bliss to me.