I absolutely must blog this post because if I don't, I might not be blogging until next week! Ok. I'll most likely blog tomorrow night anyway.
I have been quite sick over the weekend. In the end, I started drinking the greenish and yucky-looking cough syrup (the colour turned me off) and antibiotics since I was coughing out thick, yellow phlegm - all thanks to me being stubborn. I had to miss Rock Kidz on Sunday because of my persistent cough. Miss the children!
Anyway, after a few rest days and obediently taking medicines, I am on the road to recovery. Although my throat still becomes irritated and I would go into cough attacks (coughed very hard like my lungs were deflated, and I teared and sneezed at the same time). So, thanks to Johan's Halls candy, I managed to make it home on the sardine-packed train last evening. I can't imagine what would happen if I went into one of the cough attacks in that packed train. Haha. That would be really funny - reminds me of another incident. But maybe I'll share next time. If I don't, leave me comments to remind me! I love sharing experiences on MRT. Very funny.
Anyway, it's shoot day today. I am pretty excited. And we will launch tomorrow! Yeah!!! After that, I'll be in HK. Poor Celeste. She will have to handle everything by herself after I am gone. But I'll be staying connected. That is if I can revive my BB. It died yesterday. I am waiting for Dave to come in.
I am also quite hopeless with this collection. I like almost everything! And almost bought all the colours of all designs. But I managed to exert some self control. I'll blog tomorrow and share with you the ones I super love and bought.
Lastly, I am going to also start blogging on Wedding & Travel website. They have a very cool blog section where you can create your own blog within their website. I will start tomorrow. :) Do look out for my posts there! I'll be sharing my own wedding experiences, and since I have a good 10 weddings or so to attend and helping in some of those, I should have many stories to share.
All righty.. as for now, it's back to preparing for my presentation for tomorrow and more writing (internal announcements on wins).