Tuesday 14 August 2007

Time Lapse

Sometimes, there's simply no way to hold on to the hands of the clock. They just keep ticking by, moving on. Watching the seconds ticked by, I realised it has been weeks since I last blogged. It's now time to revive it.

I have been kept happily occupied throughout this hiatus. Due to limited time, this blog would be a brief update, without some really juicy images. But, I promise I would include more pictures in my next blogs. Hopefully, in the not-too-far future.

Let's see.

I have been highly favoured, truly blessed and deeply loved. Many beaufiful things happened to me during this lapse. I encountered amazing experiences with my mighty creator's most wonderful creations.

HE sent me one of his most amazing works. A creation I never expected I would fall in love with. But when I finally gave in to my feelings of falling in love with him, I know we would be together in every sense of the word. For he is God-sent, to make my life a better, more joyous, loving and wonderful place to dwell in.

He brought joy to not just my life, but also my family's. He is my DD and I thank our Father Lord for him. Since he is so special, you will definitely see more of him.

My diving dream finally materialised. The world I longed to see did not disappoint me. It is filled with colourful creations of God.

I love the feeling of being immersed in the water, the taste of the salty sea water and feeling the coolness of the water on my skin. I enjoy breathing through the regulator, listening to my breathing, watching the sea creatures swim by, or sometimes just corals, hovering to watch some sea creatures and being propelled by my very nice Twin Jet fins. It's a whole new world to explore. And I am determined to dive the world.

By the way, I do feel quite belonged under the sea (for those who are sniggering, I know why). And I yearn to keep going back to that world beneath. Since this is also special to me, I would be writing more on diving too. Of course, diving is even more special to me because it was the beginning to my walk of love with MY DD.

I am not relaxing anymore, but found a job. A job in an industry that I always wanted a foot in. Things are going well so far. I am definitely enjoying the challenges, my job scope and environment.

Heeding the Lord's calling, I am also serving in my church in the Children Ministry. After starting off with the P3 & P4, I decided to have a go at the nursery. They are the Lord's such endearing creations! I have fallen in love with them. And I look forward to seeing these children every Sunday.

In order to build a deeper relationship with my Heavenly Father, DD and I have also started our bible study class. Definitely challenging, but insightful.

So, my dear readers, as you can see, so much have gone on in my life during this time lapse. However, I am happy and enjoying my life. I give the credit to my first priority in life, my Father in Heaven. He has blessed me abundantly. Amen!

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