Tuesday 21 May 2013

The Champ in the Making

The 3-Mind Revolution by Brian Caswell and David Ciem of Mindchamps is a must-read! It opens up our eyes for the future!

One of the easiest to digest books ever! It was light-hearted enough with relevant metaphors.

The book talked about the revolution of information and knowledge and described how education is no longer effective with rote learning - like how workers used to assemble products at the production line.

I truly agree.

And rote learning takes the fun away!

We, as human learn from interacting with our environment. If we start confining ourselves to learning things to pass our exams, we are limiting our ability to expand our knowledge.

What I don't ever want for Isaac is to fall into the trap of hating to learn. I would like him to continue to be curious. So he will be able to become creative.

The other thing mentioned was the champion mindset. I remember when I was younger, I used to feel less confident about myself because my classmates were all book smart. They used to teased me too.

As I grew older, I realised the difference. The difference was, I was a non-conformist. I spent more time imagining, setting goals for myself, trying different things, daring to risk failures to pursue my own dreams.

I rebelled the system and hated being in it. I constantly fought it. And until today, I want to be in the system to improve it.

I think of different ways to make things work better. And that makes me different. I have a champion mindset, and not just a follower or someone going after the grades.

And I know myself and what I want. I have found my uniqueness, the passion in me and the things I will fight for.

I believe, with the blessing of God and taking the step to pursue my passion, I will succeed like the champions!

Because, a champion mindset will take me far. And through all the trials and errors, I have found myself, my life purpose and my intention.

Therefore, likewise with Isaac, I want him to have a hunger for life. To fight for his own dreams and passion, and to make it work.

Life is too short to chase after money and materials. We must live life to the fullest, with a purpose and the rest shall be by products of our success. It comes from passion and the heart.

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